📄️ Auto Phys Collider
AutoPhysCollider is a Unity script that assists in the automatic addition of VRCPhysBone Colliders to the Avatar. It is included in the Creator Essentials Pack by QueenMaebee.
📄️ Auto Dynamic Collider
AutoDynamicCollider is a Unity script that assists in the automatic addition of Dynamic Bone Colliders to the Avatar. It is included in the Creator Essentials Pack by QueenMaebee.
📄️ AutoPhysBone
AutoPhysBone is a Unity script that assists in the automatic addition of PhysBone to the Avatar. It is included in the Creator Essentials Pack by QueenMaebee.
📄️ AutoPhysActions
AutoPhysActions is a Unity script that assists in the automatic addition of PhysBone Animator Toggles/Anims to the Avatar's Animation Controller'. It is included in the Creator Essentials Pack by QueenMaebee.
📄️ AutoToggleMaker
AutoToggleMaker is a Unity script that assists in the automatic creation of toggles. It is included in the Creator Essentials Pack by QueenMaebee.
📄️ AutoAnimatorToggles
AutoAnimatorToggles is a Unity script that assists in the automatic addition of ToggleAnimations to the Avatar Animator. It is included in the Creator Essentials Pack by QueenMaebee.
📄️ AutoDynamicBone
AutoDynamicBone is a Unity script that assists in the automatic addition of Dynamic Bone to the Avatar. It is included in the Creator Essentials Pack by QueenMaebee.
📄️ AvatarPublicLocker
AutoPublicLocker is a Unity script that assists in protecting the avatar from people. It is included in the Creator Essentials Pack by QueenMaebee.
📄️ AutoTouchToggles
AutoTouchToggles is a Unity script that assists in the automatic creation of Avatar Dynamic Touch Toggles. It is included in the Creator Essentials Pack by QueenMaebee.
📄️ Dynamic Sounds For Avatars
Dynamic Sounds For Avatars is a Unity script that assists in the automatic creation of Avatar Dynamic Sound Toggles. It is included in the Creator Essentials Pack by QueenMaebee.
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You have just learned the basics of Creator Essentials.