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Auto Dynamic Collider

AutoDynamicCollider is a Unity script that assists in the automatic addition of Dynamic Bone Colliders to the Avatar. It is included in the Creator Essentials Pack by QueenMaebee.

Setting up the Script


Drag in the AutoDynamicCollider Prefab. When setting up AutoDynamicColliders, it all depends on your intentions. Remember, AutoDynamicColliders is completely user-defined other than things that include the following words:




The only thing needed to use the script is to add your SDKAvatar into the "SDK 3 Avatar" field, and then, after you have done that, put in the Hip, Spine and Head bones into the array.


There is no need to change the size of the arrays. You can drag and drop the assets onto the name of the array and it will be automatically added.

Custom Fields and Custom Dynamic Bone Components

Custom fields are a way to add colliders to any bone or Gameobject.

Custom Dynamic Bone Components are Dynamic Bone components. This is an excellent method for adding colliders to specific Dynamic components.


The CustomDynamicColliders field should not be touched!

Once you have finished everything up just click the Activate Script Button!