AutoPhysActions is a Unity script that assists in the automatic addition of PhysBone Animator Toggles/Anims to the Avatar's Animation Controller'. It is included in the Creator Essentials Pack by QueenMaebee.
Setting up the Script
On the Gameobject that has the PhysBone script, add the AutoPhysActions script onto the gameobject using the Add Component button at the bottom.
Drag the GameObject that has the AutoPhysActions script into the PhysBone Script field. After doing so, drag your whole avatar into the animator field. Next, drag the object that has PhysBone into the "object with PhysBone" field. Once you have done that, just put the animator controller into the animatorcontroller field and put in your on and off animations.
Paramater Types are ways that the Physbone can send signals to do actions.
- _Stretch
- _Angle
- _IsGrabbed
Dragging in the object that has the component/script will automatically add the script/component to the field.