📄️ CreatorWizard
This makes all toggles new and old!
📄️ Animation Merger
This will merge your animations together into one.
📄️ Animation Cleaner
This will clean your Animator Controller.
📄️ Animator Controller Convert
This will convert your Animator Controller Layers into Blendtrees!
📄️ Dynamic Toggles
Creates Dynamic Touch Toggles!
📄️ File Manager
Tells your compiled File Sizes(Can help with quest uploading)
📄️ Mesh Optimizer
The Mesh Optimizer will set your Meshes Settings to the most optimized.
📄️ Physics Manager
The Physics Manager will allow you to directly edit your Physics Objects and will tell you(If your using Physbone) how many transforms you have!
📄️ Texture Optimizer
The Texture Optimizer will copy the inputted textures and will make them more optimized.
📄️ TMPClean
This will clean your TMP folder and get everything reset from what your file manager did. This is best to do right before you upload your avatar.
📄️ Congratulations!
You have just learned the basics of Creator Advanced.