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File Manager

Tells your compiled File Sizes(Can help with quest uploading)


Using the Script

The File Manager will tell you the final size of your avatar/selected object after compressing it. This one is a bit more complex. There are a bunch of different ways to use this!

Contain Children

When turning Contain Children on it will tell you the file size of the object you selected and all of its descendants. For example if you put your Avatar main gameobject(The one with the avatar descriptor) and have contain children on it will compile the entire avatar and tell you the avatars file size.

Build Only Meshes

This one is very self explanatory. It will only compile the object with a renderer attached to it.

Build Seperately

This one is kinda dangerous to use. Sorry kinda exaggerating, but it can be a issue if you have alot of objects. This one will seperately compile each object it finds and get the file size of each and tell you each one.


This will take a long time!! Especially if its with contain children and not with Build Only Meshes!!

Build Everything

This is the literal most dangerous thing. You should make sure you have enough memory to do this. I have 16GB of ram and it maxed it out doing this(Build Seperately was on). Especially if Build Seperately is enabled as well. Make sure nothing else is open on your computer unless its beefy.


This will take a long time and may crash your computer if you have Build Seperately On.

Editor Object Colorizer


This is a cool little hierachy tool. After your object compiles it will use this to show you how big in file size something is in your hierachy.