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Creating A Recipe

After declaring a couple foods you now can make a recipe!

To create a Recipe you will need to open the Recipe Creator Window.

Creating a recipe requires you to get the Food Id's of your newly created Food!

A good way to find out the ID of your food is to go to the Database.

You will need a Base Ingredient(Ingredient 1), A Secondary Ingredient(Ingredient 2), A Sucess Ingredient(Sucess Result), and A Burnt/Fail Ingredient(Failed Result).

At times, a Secondary Ingredient(Ingredient 2) is not even needed. For instance, the water in the sink serves as your Secondary Ingredient when you use CookingType 3 (Sink).

The Recipe Sentence

The Recipe Creator Window will have a small sentence on the bottom of the window to make it easier to understand the recipe you make!

An example of a possible sentence made by the Recipe Creator Window is as follows:

If Cheese(Base Ingredient) and Dough(Secondary Ingredient) are cooked in a oven then you will recive Cheesy Bread(Sucess Result) but if its cooked for too long you will recive Burnt Bread(Fail Result)


If you want to create a Recipe that cannot fail then set the Sucess Result and The Failed Result as the same value.